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Latex Beds for Kids

  • Item Code# : kids-latex-beds
  • Regular Price : $695.00
  • Sale Price : $550.00
Qty. :
  • Product Description
WOW- What a deal! For those parents wanting to get their children into a mattress that is eco friendly, extremely durable and yet extremely comfortable, we've got the bed for you.
This model is 6" of Talalay Classic latex and does not have a zipper and is fully assembled with organic cotton quilting and reversible when it arrives. Overall is about 6 1/2" thick. We also offer this in Full size for those who have the Full on bottom Twin on top style bunk beds. These latex mattresses for kids can also be used for adults. The "Medium" configuration works best for children and on into their late teens. The "Medium" rating is actually based on adult sizes so it will feel firmer to a child. Medium #32 and firm #36. Soft is now available for those who are under 120 lbs.

These are made with our Blended Classic Talalay latex which is Oeko Tex 100 Class 1 certified. Made in USA!